Monday, September 22, 2008
My newest X Update!
Since I told you I have moved to summarizing my weeks, here goes the latest.
Day 11 (9/12/08): Shoulders, Arms & Ab Ripper X
As usual, I did not enjoy the workout at all. I have decided that this workout is by far the worst of them all. I just do not like the workouts for the bicep muscles at all. Maybe I should increase the weight, but I feel like all the time it takes to pause and increase the weight is such a hassle! To no surprise I finished the workout and completed Ab Ripper X. It seems as thought it is getting better with each time I do it. I am really looking forward to the day I get through it in its entirety.
Day 12 (9/13/08): Yoga X
I am really beginning to enjoy this workout out. After starting P90X, I quickly realized how flexible I am NOT! Simple things like stretching to the side KILLS ME! So since I kinda like the pain, I slowly push myself past the pain in order to get some really good stretches. The Yoga blocks help, but I am slowly pushing the stretches so the use of the blocks is almost obsolete. I definitely look forward to these days now. This workout is no longer a beast to me. BTW.. I still can not master the crane.
Day 13 (9/14/08) & Day 14 (9/15/08): Rest and Relaxation
So I am not sure what is going on with my resting for two days, but I think that it is the way my body is programmed. In the past when I worked out I would always take 2 rest days before continuing my regiment. I honestly tell myself that I am going to workout, but I am always too exhausted to bring myself to complete them. After the 2 days, I feel totally relaxed and able to do the workouts!
Day 15 (9/16/08): Legs, Back & Ab Ripper X
I enjoy this workout, so this day was not that bad. The wall squats are not my favorite, but they are tolerable. The workout seems to go by fast for me and that is what matters the most to me. The faster they go by the better I like the workout..LOL! A friend of mine started P90X this week and has been rocking it out! He has been eating healthy and really enjoying the workouts! He is keeping the pressure on me.. so I will have to bring it REGARDLESS of how I feel! (on this day I felt as though I was beginning to strain a muscle on the inside of my left arm. It felt like the pull-ups were beginning to take their toll on my arms!)
Day 16 (Kenpo X)
This workout always goes over well. My left arm continued to bother me throughout the workout so I decided that I would take a few extra days off while I let my arm rest. I think that my arms were not used to supporting all my weight during the pull-ups, but whatever it was... it was painful.
Days 17, 18, 19, and 20: Were spent resting!!! I did not mean to take this much time off, but I honestly felt like I needed it. Once I finish week four I am going to post results as promised. I am not going to pay attention to the number of days, because my buddy "Prophet" informed me that whether it be day 90 or day 97, the results should be great either way. I need to look at this as more of a lifestyle than 90 days and that is the attitude I am trying to get used to. Tonight when I get home from work I am going to be doing day 21 which for me will be Chest and Back & Ab Ripper X.
Sorry for the delay guys! Be sure that I am back on the wagon!
Be Well & Stay Fit!
Friday, September 12, 2008
09.12.08... The X Update
Sorry about the long delay, but my work schedule has been a little bit all over the place and I have not known which way is up or down. Although it may have stopped my entries, no way in hell would I let it stop THE X! Here is a quick update of the last few days of working out!
Days 5 & 6 (9/6/08 & 9/7/08): Rest and Relaxation
Unfortunately I was out of commission for these 2 days thanks to Yoga X. It really let me have it! Now that I know what Yoga X can do (and I now RESPECT the workout) I will definitely be a little more prepared for the next time we meet.. LOL! Since I had to take those 2 days I am officially one day behind. I have not decided how I am going to make up the day, but I am either going to just finish my 90 days one day late or I am going to skip my day off this week and just keep pushing play… Any suggestions?
Day 7 (9/8/08): Legs, Back, & Ab Ripper X
I was actually a little scared to tackle this program, because my legs were not 100% from my bad date with Yoga X! I am glad to report that this workout was not as bad as I was expecting and the reason for that is because there is a good split of legs and back in the workout. Lots of pull-ups and just the right amount of legs made that workout pretty decent! I can honestly say that I kinda like this routine. Only thing I really hate is the isolated toe lunge thingees! Not my faves at all! Thanks for the modifications you gave me Ant, Ab Ripper is coming along...
Day 8 (9/9/08): Kenpo X
Kenpo X was not bad at all. It in itself was a great break from the rest of the workouts and a good close to the week. Now that week one was down. I knew how I wanted to bring it for week 2 and all fear/doubts were starting to subside. Don’t get me wrong here! I am still sore just about everyday… but that is my body’s way of telling me that I am getting a great workout! Not to mention I am working muscles differently than I have in the past. COMPLETE MUSCLE FAILURE!
Day 9 (9/10/08): Chest, Back, & Ab Ripper X
I was actually looking forward to this exercise when it rolled around this week. I was a little over the lower body pain and wanted to feel like there was something happening with my chest and back. Chest and arms are my two favorite body parts to work out, so when they are in pain… I am happy!!(Slightly masochistic I know, but hey I AM a health nut ya know!) I tackled this workout and completed it with a smile on my face. I barely paused the DVD, just a couple of times to deal with changing the weights. And when I set that goal in my head that Tony talks about, I always aim for the number of reps I was able to complete the week prior. So I either get to what I did last week or pass it. It’s all about CRUSHING your own personal goals! Ab Ripper X is going ok.. I am just aiming at increasing my reps each time I complete the exercises.. slow and steady!
Day 10 (9/11//08): Plyo X
So I did a little bit of research about my target heart rate and what my “ZONE” was. Last week when I did the workout I had my heart rate monitor on, but did not really pay attention to what in the zone meant for me! So now that I knew what my zone was.. I ROCKED Plyo X. I only extended one water break to get my heart rate back into the zone, because I was a little too high. All in all I knew Plyo X was going to be one of my favorite exercises.. and I was right!!!
Tonight I am going to do Shoulders and Arms, and Ab Ripper X... so stay tuned for these types of updates. I kind of like doing a summary of my week all at once, so I think I am going to stick with doing it this way.
One more thing before I go. When do you complete Ab Ripper X? Before your workout or after your workout?
That’s all for now guys! Take care.
Be Well & Stay Fit!
Monday, September 8, 2008
09.08.08... 2 days of REST
I think that you ALL forget to tell me how sore you were after Yoga X. I am not sure if it is just me... or what??? ... But I had to take 2 rest days thanks to Yoga X. During the Yoga X workout I REALLY brought it because I was really trying my best to stretch the hell out of my muscles. Well let me tell you, on Saturday I woke up and my hamstrings were so tight I could barely walk. My back was also sore, but not nearly as much as my legs. When I woke up Sunday the DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) were a whole lot worse. I had to walk down the stairs of my house one step at a time and just be still. I stayed in the bed all day and netflixed my day away. I popped advil to help with the pain, but that barely did anything.
One of those days is counting as my rest day, but the other is just pushing me a day back, so I am going to do day 5 (legs and back) tonight to the best of my ability. If my legs start to really hurt, I am either going to do the exercises without weights or lower my reps. We will see how it goes, my back on the other hand is just fine. I will keep you guys posted.. I guess this means my first week is not officially over..LOL!
I need to get ready to bring it, so I will check in with you guys later...
Be Well and Stay Fit,
Friday, September 5, 2008
09.05.08.. Days 3&4
Just a quick recap of my last two days with P90X...
Day 3:
Shoulder and Arms went pretty well. I did not go crazy with the wait the first time around because for the first week of P90X I told myself to leave the ego alone and pace myself. Tony's advice was taken to heart. I did not want to hurt myself or tire to quickly so I paced myself pretty good. I put stars next to the weights I wanted to increase next week. Besides that... working my arms is one of my favorite body parts to work.. so I can honestly say that it is among one of my favorite workouts. I also have worked my shoulders before, but have never paid this much attention to them, so I am excited to see how they will come out.
Day 4:
Yoga X was a nice break from the workouts, but definitely not my favorite. I HATED the first 30 mins of it with the downward dog! I did however like the last hour. This workout showed me how flexible I REALLY AM!!!! And damn its pretty bad. I can say the hour and thirty mins went by pretty fast. And I did not believe how much I was sweating from Yoga. It was NO PLYOMETRICS... but I was definitely sweating. It left me feeling very relaxed..
Thats all for now.. hope you are all doing well!
Be Well & Stay Fit!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
09.03.08.. Plyo was INTENSE
With each workout comes a better understanding of the blood, sweat, and tears most go through to get those AMAZING bodies. As I type this I am feeling a little tense from yesterdays workout and my legs feel week from Plyo today, but all is well. I am actually looking forward to each exercise and challenging myself to not press pause.. LOL! That is my goal.
I am a relatively fit person, but cardio was never my strong area. I did it because I had to and hated every minute of it. Plyo was definitely intense and I look forward to the next time I hit it. As I hit pause and paced back and forth a few times I thought of all the P90Xers and that they must have gone through. That is what kept me pressing play.I can also say that after I finished the workout...I was so wiped out that I showered and threw myself on the bed and stared at the ceiling for a while. It took me some time to muster up the strength to get up and fix dinner.. What a WORKOUT! Tomorrow is Day 3 and I am definitely going to try and do what I can with Ab Ripper X. Thanks Ant for the modified moves I will give them a try.
Just so you know how intensely I was sweating.. here are pics of what I looked like after. (just an FYI.. The tank what light gray when I started.. and the top of my shorts were DRENCHED)
Well that is all for now.. I will update as much as I can..
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
09.02.08 ...Day 0 Spec/Fit Test
Well I was definitely forewarned and now I know the wrath of Tony. I can just tell you now that I posted a quick clip about my first day of working out on my youtube page, so you should definitely check it out. I am a little behind on the blog due to a really busy weekend and a lot of working. But I need to pay the bills.
You can check out my Video Log at:
The reason for my blog entry today is to post my specs from Day 0:
Body Fat%: 10.1 (margin or error 1-2%)
Chest: 42 inches Waist: 34.5 (although I wear a 32 in pants.. WEIRD)
Hips: 40 inches
Right Thigh: 23 inches
Left Thigh: 23.5 inches
Right Arm: 16 inches
Left Arm: 16 inches
After doing my Fit Test... here are the results:
Pull-Ups: 12
Vertical Jump: N/A
Push-Ups: 33
Toe Touch: +1.5"
Wall Squat: 3 mins
Bicep Curl: 30 reps with 25lbs
In & Outs: 50
Resting HR: 87 bpm
Here are the pics of Day o:

Well that is all I have for now. Take Care and I will be updating pics and measurements every 15 days..
Be Well & Stay Fit!
Friday, August 29, 2008
8.29.08.. The Body RX Finished...
Sorry I did not update the Blog/YouTube yesterday with my pics. That is definitely the goal for today after work (after I run some errands for my grandma). I ended up going out to eat with my friends and did not get into bed until 12ish. Believe me I am exhausted as I type this because I had to wake up at 4:30am to get ready for work!!!
Anyway the reason I am typing this is because I have time at work today to do it and because I wanted to give you my afterthoughts on THE BODY RX. On June 30th 2008, I decided to start the program and see what I could accomplish. I am now 2 months into the program and my body has definitely changed. 2 months ago, I felt disgusting in my own skin and knew that I needed to change. I am relatively content with how I feel now and KNOW that there is a clear difference in my body composition. To make a long story short, doing this program was a great pre-cursor to P90X. The actual Body RX program is 6 months long, but when I saw the stories on YouTube about the body transformations P90X was responsible for, I told myself I had to try this. I was originally going to wait until January to start P90X (after the Body RX was completed) and then continue on to P90X, but I was too eager and wanted to achieve the ultimate physique. I think I made a good decision! I will let you know when I get to day 90.
So, last night I took my pics (which will be posted later tonight) and I was blown away. I am actually in pretty good shape now, but not in “the best shape of my life”. Thanks to the Body RX, I am down to 10.1% body fat (w/ margin or error of 1-2%) Which I am happy with!!! But of course I would love to see what P90X will bring (IF I BRING IT … OF COURSE) After taking the pics, I realized that my only problem areas are my legs and my belly. They are not big, but they need to be tightened! AND THEY WILL BE! My back, arms, and chest were a lot better than I thought they were! Taking pictures really does let you see your body for what it really is. I am pretty excited about the results the photos will show later on during the program. So stay tuned, the before pics should be up sometime tonight!
Be Well & Stay Fit!!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
8.28.08.. Picture Day!
So I am a little bumped that I will not be able to take the trip to Miami this weekend, due to a family emergency I need to stick around town =-( . I mean I think that it is a blessing in disguise because I need to do some grocery shopping and cook for the week to come (not to mention mentally prepare). I found some really easy SOUTH BEACH recipes online that I am dying to try. Especially the crock-pot recipes because you literally throw in all the ingredients and you have meals for days in a couple of hours! I love making multiple meals on Sunday so I can eat the reheats all week. If I do not prepare during the weekend for my food for the week, it is almost impossible to eat right. Lately I have been working the 6am-2pm so I have had to wake up at 4:30am (WHICH IS NEVER FUN!!!) Waking up this early gives me plenty of time for my workouts after work. So, depending on my work schedule, my workout routine can constantly change. But if I can do it with my workout schedule now, it will So I am a little bumped that I will not be able to take the trip to Miami this weekend, due to a family emergency I need to stick around town. I mean I think that it is a blessing in disguise because I need to do some grocery shopping and cook for the week to come (not to mention mentally prepare). I found some really easy SOUTH BEACH recipes online that I am dying to try. Especially the crock-pot recipes because you literally throw in all the ingredients and you have meals for days in a couple of hours! I love making multiple meals on Sunday so I can eat the reheats all week. If I do not prepare during the weekend for my food for the week, it is almost impossible to eat right. Lately I have been working the 6am-2pm so I have had to wake up at 4:30am (WHICH IS NEVER FUN!!!) Waking up this early gives me plenty of time for my workouts after work. So, depending on my work schedule, my workout routine can constantly change. But if I can do it with my workout schedule now, it will HAVE to work for P90X.
So today is the day that I am going to take my before pics. I am going to meet up with the gang around 7pm tonight to have our photo shoot and measurement session. This means I am going to have another video later on tonight, as well as, another blog entry to show the pics! Make sure you guys stay tuned because is almost “GO” day.
Stay tuned for more to come today or tomorrow.
Be Well & Stay Fit
Monday, August 25, 2008
8.24.08... Getting CLOSER!
Every time I am going to begin a new experiment/journey/fitness routine there is always a little bit of anxiety that kicks in prior to GO DAY! I have to say that awful feeling is starting to creep up. I have been working a lot lately and have not been able to finish the last little projects that I need to be P90X READY!
Some of the things I need to do are:
1.) Purchase my hear rate monitor
2.) Purchase another dvd player
3.) START setting up the gym in the basement
4.) Figure out what I am going to do DIET wise
5.) Purchase some more supplements from
6.) A yoga Block
I am a total planner and that is why I feel like I am down to the wire. I am going to Fort Lauderdale for the long weekend and need to get all this crap done before I will really be able to relax and enjoy my vacation.
Don’t get me wrong, most of these things I am going to try and work on tomorrow and make my purchases this Tuesday, when pay day rolls around. I have already been eyeing a few of these purchases and that makes some of the stress dissipate. The diet is something that I really want to focus on because WE ALL KNOW THAT NUTRITION IS 80% OF THE BATTLE. If you are not eating right, then your results will definitely be less satisfactory. I have been checking out the SOUTH BEACH DIET and think that it will allow me the type of eating I have become used to following THE BODY RX. They both tend to focus on low glycemic/high fiber food choices and they are fine by me. I am a little scared of the first phase though because it is kind of ATKINS like (being based solely on Protein). At this point I really do not have a problem with my protein intake, but I find the high fiber foods are what keep me regular (sorry to be graphic) and give me the energy I need to get through my workouts. I think that I may try and find some sort of fiber supplement to keep my intake high even though Phase 1 of the Diet is mostly protein. Well we will see. I definitely have a few more days to do some research on the matter prior to beginning.
As far as supplementation is involved, I am just about ready. Just need to buy a few more things and I think that I will be ready to go! It has been a while since I have had a SERIOUS supplement regimen, so I think that will be fun. A little costly to say the least but fun nonetheless. I will be doing everything from Thermogenic Fat Burners to Creatine and am hoping for some AMAZING GAINS during P90X. I will definitely keep you posted on the effects of all the supplements.
This Thursday is going to be a busy day for me because I am going to be running around to get things ready for the trip, as well as, meet up with the gang and take our Day 0 photos. I am going to take mine and post my Day 0 photos online the same day even though I am not really beginning until I get back from Florida. Once that happens I am going full steam ahead. I will prob. Make a video as well and put that up on Youtube. It is going to be a really busy THURSDAY!!! Stay tuned everyone!
Be Well & Stay Fit!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
I am the type of person who does a lot of thinking before implementing any sort of change. Sometimes this is to a fault, because I tend to over analyze at times and that can get in the way of actually making a decision. When I decided to take the P90X journey there were a lot of reviews read before I actually decided to go ahead and purchase the program. I read nothing but good things about the program so I decided to purchase it early so I could so other research prior to starting. To enhance the effects of the program I decided to use a few supplements that I have read great things about.
Supplementation is a very important part of an exercise regimen and needs to be utilized to have any significant gains. Even if the only think that you supplement is protein.. SOMETHING needs to be taken. After a couple weeks researching here is what I have decided I am going to use for supplements:
Creatine: I have decided to check out NSI Ethyl Ester Creatine. My reason for deciding to use this supplement was because after reading some reviews they mentioned it would not cause bloating. I never understood why I should take creatine when I am already “stocky muscular” (if that makes sense). The product says that it will increase muscle strength which would lead to muscle gains (which = more calories burned at rest=lose of body fat). I am going to use this the first 60 of the program.
Protein: This is an essential supplement to increase lean muscle mass. If you are not using protein your results may not be to your liking. Protein supplementation offers your body essential amino acids your body needs to full you muscle during any exercise regimen.
Recovery Drink: I am choosing to use Endurox R4 for my recovery drink. I have read a lot of amazing reviews about this supplement so I am going to give it a try. This recovery drink boasts very quick recovery and that you will be more than prepared for your following workout (assuming it is the following day) If I am not satisfied with it then I am going to give the P90x Recovery drink a try.
HMB: This is a product that is to assist with decreasing muscle breakdown, increasing protein synthesis, and muscle strength gains as well. Since is it good to cycle creatine for 2 months at a time, I decided to give this a try during the last phase of P90x (days 61-90). I am not sure if it will just help me maintain an increase in strength (like the creatine is supposed to do) of have some other effects like help increase my muscle mass due to the lack of breakdown of muscle tissue. I guess I will not know until I try.
MX-LS7- This is the Maximum Lean System 7 program that is supposed to increase your metabolism through thermogenisis. I have used this before and it gave me amazing energy while working out. I am not quite sure of the metabolic factor, but I am sure when I took it the first time my eating habits did not help. I have been eating pretty healthy on The Body RX and decided maybe I will give it another try this time.
Sorry for the long post guys! I just wanted to shed some light on the supplements I intend on using to increase the effectiveness of my P90X journey which will blast off soon.
Be Well & Stay Fit
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
8.19.08 ... Weight Gain!
Well Yesterday I was having one of those feelings again and knew that I was losing more weight (or what was really happening… losing body fat) My Muscles are becoming more firm, my stomach flatter, my jeans are still fitting nicely, and my arms/shoulders are really filling out. I have NO complaints about the way I am looking now, but I just felt like I am really slimming down, so I decided to step on the scale again to check my weight. I stepped on the scale and the digital display read.. 199.8 lbs. In the last couple of weeks I have gained another 3 lbs of muscle. Usually I would freak out and revert back to some way of shedding weight, but this time I am going with the flow. According to The Body RX, the more muscle you have the more calories you burn at rest. So in theory, this muscle gain will be in direct correlation with my slimming down. I will cross my fingers and go with the flow. I am sure that once I start P90X on Sept. 2… the rest will fall into place.
Be Well and Stay Fit,
Friday, August 15, 2008
Right now I am in the middle of the Body RX and have begun the second phase called sculpting. Now the difference here is that you drop the weight by about 20% and increase the sets and reps. I can honestly say that after doing a couple of these workouts to date, I am definitely feeling the muscle pain. I guess in a sense this is muscle confusion (but not Tony Horton style). What works about this phase is that the muscles have gotten used to lifting the heavy weight and now you are building endurance by decreasing your weights and pushing more reps out. It felt good to drop the weight but my muscles fatigued in a way that I have not felt since I began working out years ago! Today my arms and back are really feeling the previous day’s workout like NO OTHER. But it is a pain that I secretly enjoy. It lets me know that I am doing something right.
This weekend I am hopefully going to work on another video for my youtube account (which I hope you all check out). I am also going to start working on the basement and create my gym area. I have a friend coming in town next week and want to get the gym together down there as soon as possible. Before I know it the next 2 weeks will fly by and it will be time to start my P90X workouts! I am actually really excited to begin! A few of my friends have already gone ahead and ordered their Power90 videos so we will be starting the 90 day challenge on time!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
90 Day Workout Challenge (8.07.08)
Dear Challengers!
Here is the deal. M and N have already committed to the 90 day challenge. I have not confirmed that from K or C so you two have to get back to me to let me know.
The 90 day challenge is going to be for all of us to complete a workout program and get in shape (at home) during the fall/winter months. We will bring in 2009 with a real bang. Not only will we look better but we will feel better both inside and out! We all have goals that we want to reach:
JK wants... to be in the best shape of his life
M wants… to be in the best shape of her life and to tighten and tone
N wants... to feel better about herself (I WANT THIS FOR YOU TOO NAT!!!)
K wants... to lose more weight than his previous goal weight (also to tighten and tone)
C wants... to lose his little belly (or to be more muscular ... not really sure..LOL)
All of this can be achieved if you PROMISE YOURSELF, as well as this support group, that 90 days is not a lot of time to make major changes. When you order the program it will come with an eating plan that you should try to stick closely to. When I say closely I mean follow a few guidelines:
1. You do not have to eat every meal that the plan offers you. Find ones that you like and eat them as much as you like. I make all my meals on my day off and just ration out portions to last me a week. Make sure you prepare them ahead of time and you will have no problem following the eating plan.
2. Do not miss a meal. You should be consuming 6 meals a day (eating every 2-3 hours). Consider looking at it this way. Breakfast, mid-morning snack, Lunch, mid-afternoon snack, dinner, snack (2-3 hours prior to bed unless it is a small protein shake)
3. Drink lots of water. Juices and sodas need to be OUT OF THE PICTURE for this period. If you MUST have soda make sure it is diet and try to limit your consumption of them.
4. You can have alcohol on occasion, but make sure it is light beer (only a couple) or alcohol with soda water. No mixers! If you can stay away from alcohol all together your results will be even better. Your body has the tendency to burn alcohol before fat. So if you drink alcohol you are automatically slowing your metabolism.
5. PROTEIN supplements are a must. Protein shakes and bars should be met so you are consuming your body weight in grams. For instance, I weigh 190lbs so I should consume 190 grams of protein a day. It is not hard to do with the right supplementation.
6. Creatine should be taken for those who want to put on lean muscle mass, ask me more if you want this result.
** any other questions about supplements feel free to ask**
If you have any questions pertaining to the guidelines ask and I will let you know. The reason I am emailing all of you now is to give everyone access to each others emails. After a tough workout or when you are noticing great results, you can just reply all and let us know what’s going on.
Here are the dates:
August 28, 2008 M, N, and I we will be taking our Day 0 photos & measurements.
Sept. 1 or Sept. 2 The program begins (depending on if you have something planned on Labor day or not).
On Every 15th day you are to repeat the pictures and measurements. (From the beginning of the program, not from when the original pics are taken.)
Photos should be taken in the following positions:
Front (hands on hips)
Front (flexing your biceps)
Side view (don't hold stomach in)
Back (flexing your biceps)
**Men should take pics without a shirt and shorts on and women should take them in a bathing suit**
The list of sites to measure are:
body fat% (if you can get it measured)
weight day 0
right and left thigh
right and left arm (while flexed)
I am assigning the Power 90 workout plan for you guys! I think it is a great beginning for you and will give you all the results you want.
Good Luck to us all! If any of you want to include anyone else in the challenge forward this email to them and let me know who they are so I can include them in the next email update. Once all info is taken like pics and all forward them to me as I am going to keep a record of everyones results on my computer! And make a movie about us (for our eyes ONLY). GOD I LOVE THIS NEW HOBBY OF MINE!
Best of Luck,
If any of you guys want to do the challenge with us, leave a comment and let me know! Keep me updated on your results!
Monday, August 4, 2008
So it looks like I may have made the mental decision to go ahead and become a coach for Beachbody. I mean, I have not started the program as of yet, but with all this internal enthusiasm I have got to do something productive. I love how working out makes me feel and to share that feeling with others I have helped would honestly be really amazing! SO why not!?
A little about my past. Back in high school I used to be quite the chubby kid. When I graduated from high school I was bulky and resembled a small football player. On the outside I was a really outgoing guy and had a lot of friends, but I secretly was depressed and did not understand why I was so chunky. Up until the time I hit puberty I was REALLY SKINNY. When I hit 13 and the body started to change so did my metabolism. I swear everything that I ate was stored as fat. IT WAS AWFUL. But I did not know what to do.
During college the weight gain did not stop! Instead of gaining the freshman 15, I gained 30LBS! I moved back home in the summer of 1999 and my father said to me... "J, you are looking fatter than me and I am a lot older than me!" I DIED! I know that what my father said to me was not the most motivating thing one should say, but it was something that I definitely NEEDED to hear. So literally the next day I joined a local gym and that started my journey to weight loss.
That entire summer I worked out with a trainer 4-5 days a week. I HATED this man, but he knew what he was talking about and I was committed. I worked out the whole summer and despite my awful diet, I still managed to lose 20lbs. I think the reason that I lost most of this weight was because I had never worked out before and my body was shocked into reality. By the way, when I say that my diet was awful... I would literally finish a workout and head straight to burger king because I was SO HUNGRY!
After that summer I plateaued and did not lose any weight for a few months. I got a little discouraged and thought to myself, something has got to be up! SO like most people I decided for my new years resolution, I would give up certain foods in the hopes that I would lose some additional weight. I gave up fried foods, fruit juice, ice cream, and soda. I still ate most other foods but since these were my vices, I cut them out and lost about another 10-12 lbs. I was totally excited and over the last 9 years my life has been one diet roller coaster after the next.
I am sure you are curious why my life became a diet roller coaster when I had achieved great results??
ANSWER: I have had an athletic build since about 2001 but it never felt like enough. In one of my earlier post I mentioned that I have a healthy obsession with my weight and that was not always the case. In the beginning it was VERY unhealthy because although I was losing weight and looking rather muscular I was NEVER satisfied. I called this phase "ATTACK OF THE FAT BRAIN". When I could not see the result in front of my face (ex. a mirror) I would think that I was heavy. I did not understand why the minute I walked away from the mirror I was disgusted with my body! Well after a lot of soul searching I realized that I had been chunky and unhappy for so long that I had become accustomed with saying negative things about myself. So I stopped the negativity (over time of course) and when I would begin to think negatively I would think about all the years I have been working out and the fitness goals I have reached.
I am sure some of you can relate with this and it is truly hard to love yourself. Don't let others push their negativity on you because they are unhappy with themselves and do not want to see anyone else happy. What we need to do is actually help them reach similar goals and maybe they too could learn to love themselves. Although this post was long, I kind of wanted to explain my reason for wanting to become a coach. I am actually going to embark on P90X with a friend, and I am encouraging a couple of my other friends to try some other beachbody products until they can work their way to p90X. They seem really enthusiastic and it is going to be fun to do it as a group! So this is my post for tonight!
Be well and Stay Fit!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Where to begin. I have definitely had an interesting weekend to say the least because I had a visitor from out of town and he wanted to go out every nite while visiting Boston! Not much to do here for clubs, so he wanted to make sure that he experienced what the city had to offer.
I did manage to fit the gym in while he was here, but my eating habits definitely were not the best to be honest. There wasn't any thing that was really bad like fast food or anything, however lots of foods that register high on the glycemic index. I try to eat low glycemic foods to regulate my insulin levels and help my body burn the stored fat. I may have slipped for a few days, but now I am back. Today I have been eating like normal and hit the gym hard to make up for the last few days.
I have a couple of friends who are going to do similar workout plans the same time I start P90X and track their progress. I am thinking that I may even become a coach for Beachbody if I like what I see occurring to my body. I am already a fitness nut and would love to have a hobby helping others achieve similar goals. There is one coach who I think I am going to pursue to find out some more information. I am really liking the direction this whole part of my life is taking! I truly and happy. Achieving my fitness and financial goals will just be the cherry on top that I have long awaited.
Be Well and Stay fit!
Until next time....
Friday, August 1, 2008
So I have great news to report. I have been on The Body RX plan for 5 weeks now and I am really starting to notice the fruits of my labor. As I mentioned before the first phase of the program is called the strength phase. I DEFINITELY notice the strength I am gaining. I only have one more week of this phase before starting the sculpting phase! Last night when I was at the gym I noticed that the weight was actually getting easier. So I decided that on the last set of each exercise I was going to attempt to increase the weight. I was able to lift it with minimal effort. I WAS SHOCKED!!!!
Also recently I have added pull ups to my workout routine so I am prepared for P90X whenever I start the program. Depending on the body part I am working out, I will either do pull ups with my palms facing me w/close grip (to work biceps) -OR- palms facing away from me w/wide grip (to work back and shoulders). I am happy to report that I can do 3 sets of 10 with the wide grips and 3 sets of 12 with the close grip! So I am definitely making some HUGE improvements.
As for my appearance. Week 5 has given me the gift of noticing that my stomach is flatter. I have not stepped on the scale yet, so I am not sure about my weightloss, but I can definitely see the difference. Not only can I see the difference, I can also feel it. I am not sure if you will know what I am talking about, but before this program my muscles felt kind of soft and "airy" but now feel a lot more firm. I am not sure if it is the fact that I am eating a lot more protein, working out according to the Body RX, or a combination of both. I am not sure what the reason is, I am just glad that it is all working.
So that is my update for now. I am still waiting for my P90X to get here so I can check out the nutrition plan and see how it differs from The Body RX. I hope it is similar, because eating this way seems to be really easy for me.
Until next time...
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Waking up at 4:40am this morning is absolutely sucking all the life out of me today (not to mention the gym did not help) So I will attempt a much longer entry tomorrow.
I also had dinner with a few friends and a visitor from out of town which led my eating habits to the place of no return, but I am all better now. I am about to head to bed and will just bounce back tomorrow.
Until next time...
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
So today was a good day. I got a lot done because I did not have to go into work. NO COMPLAINTS THERE. So today I took care of a couple of bills and ran some errands.
I did not mention this yesterday, but I am not only eating according to Body RX, but I am also working out according to the book as well. The workout is interesting as it is broken down into 4 different phases: Strength, Sculpt, Burn, and Maintenance. I am currently in the strength phase which is broken down into: 2 warm up sets (which are pretty easy) followed by 3 sets of 6 at a much heavier weight. At first glance it seemed really easy but the first couple of days my muscles were KILLING ME! But as I am close to ending this phase and heading into sculpting, I am actually looking forward to the transition. With each of the different phases the weight decreases slightly but the reps increase. ALSO another big thing about this program is there is no need for CARDIO. I KNOW REREAD THAT LAST SENTENCE IF YOU NEED TO! I have lost 6lbs in the last 3-4 weeks and I have not stepped foot on the treadmill or elliptical trainer. GO ME! I know that I have definitely not lost any muscle mass either which made me feel pretty good. I took my body fat composition the other day and it had me at 11.3% which is not bad for someone weighing in at 190 lbs. It is just the little stubborn fat that I can not seem to get rid of and that is why I am going to attempt to eat according to Body RX while doing the P90X workout program. (FYI... I am definitely going to check out the difference in nutrition plan when P90x arrives, but until then I am going to do the plan as I just mentioned)
Another thing that I did today was uploaded a video on Youtube mentioning my intentions with the Blog and my weightloss. If you want to check it out you can search my username: MisterJonKat. I think having two arenas to express myself will keep me motivated and allow others doing the program or considering the program, to receive some support.
I have actually talked a couple of my other friends into doing some of the other programs that Beachbody has to offer, because I have seen some amazing results those programs have helped others achieve. I am kind of coaching them, because health and fitness is one thing that I am really passionate about and if I can share that with people that I love, as well as, you guys/gals out there I say why the hell not!?
Until next time...
My first Blog Entry
I just wanted to thank you all for coming to my blog and checking me out. SO you know who you are reading about, I thought I would give you a little background of who I am.
Mr.Jonkat is the name (but some call me Mr. JK, JK, or JonKat so whichever you choose is cool with me) and I am from Boston, MA. I was born here about 28 yrs ago (29 this Oct.) and have left the city a few times but consider this place home. I have left for various reasons and always in search of something better and I never find it. So I told myself as long as I get away on short vacations from time to time, I could see myself living in this city for a while. I went to college here in Boston and have obtained 2 degrees. I have a Bachelor's in Criminology & Law with a minor in Spanish, as well as, my Master's in Political Science. I had a career path in mind while I was in school but like most people who are graduating these days you almost never end up where you think you will. I can say that I am happy where I ended up and that is all that matters.
The reason for this BLOG: I have found that I am more focused when I put myself out there. I am not sure if it is that I feel better getting things off my chest (no matter what the forum may be) or that I feel a sense of accountability when people who read my blogs are expecting results. ACCOUNTABILITY is huge with me and as I age it becomes more and more fascinating. I feel that with age we reach new stages in our lives that allow us to reflect on not only our immediate past but ALSO many years ago.
What to expect from this BLOG: I always have short (as well as long term) goals that I am setting for myself. I like to challenge myself and see what my breaking point is. Call it masochistic if you will, but I say it is nothing more than goal setting. I named by blog Eternal Evolution because I am aware that one can always be better than he or she is. I am not saying that perfection is a goal I am expecting or even considering, but I will say that becoming a better person is definitely a huge priority of mine.
Lastly... I will begin my blog entries focused on my health. I have been working out for over the past 9 years and have actually become obsessed with it. One of my mottos is: "Obsession is the Catalyst for Change". Believe me it is a healthy obsession nothing to be concerned about. I do splurge and have junk food here and there, but I want to live a life where I am making healthly decisions on a regular basis. I am going to embark on the P90X workout routine and would love to hear from anyone that could be of assistance. I believe that I will start it within a months time as I am going to complete the program with a friend of mine. I am going to go all out and post pics and continue to blog. I am also going to do Youtube entries every 2 weeks to show videos of my transformation so stayed tuned!
Any feedback will be greatly appreciated! I wish you all the best and thank you for stopping by!