Sunday, January 25, 2009

Master Cleanse DONE! 01.25.09

Hello Everyone,

So today was the big day… WEIGH-In Time!! I started my Master Cleanse at 200lbs and feeling absolutely unmotivated to hit the gym. I am not really sure why I was going to the slump… it could have been the holidays or the fact that I was too busy partying and gaining weight that I just did not have time to think about hitting the gym. EITHER WAY.. It was time to flush all of that out of my life for the time being and focus on becoming a better ME!!! So this morning I stepped on the scale and it displayed 179.2 lbs!!! I was pretty excited. I honestly wanted to lose A LOT more than I did last time, but its ok. I realized that my body is happy at this weight because 179 lbs was the exact same weight I was after my first cleanse. I feel like your body kind of resets itself and goes back to your default weight. I did 6 more days on the cleanse this time and ended at that same weight. COINCIDENCE?? I am not so sure about that!

Now it is time to venture onto The Body RX. I am going to start the workout and the diet by this Wednesday (possibly Tuesday… but that all depends on how much cooking I really plan on doing!) I am so afraid that I am going to gain the weight back in a bad way that it is motivating me to workout! I love having this type of motivation, because it is what keeps my going to the gym day after day! Nothing wrong with a little healthy fear right? I know that I am going to be putting on muscle mass and I am totally fine with that! If I gain 10lbs of muscle I will not care too much at all! I realize weight is just a number, but when I feel fat I become obsessed with that number! When I feel good about my body, I have no desire to know how much I weigh… as long as I look and feel good about the way I look everything in my world is fine. And as much as the Body RX has you eat.. it is inevitable that I am going to gain a little weight!

Wish me luck! I will keep the weekly post coming to you and letting you know how things are going on this front. It is a 6 month program, so we will see what happens!


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Quick Update... 01.18.09

Hello Everyone!

I just wanted to drop a quick update on how my Master Cleanse is going! Today is officially my 14th day and things seem to be going really well! Days 10-13 were very challenging and I can honestly say that I have overcome the DOWNS I was feeling! I have 6 more days to go and I am totally ready to finish slaying this beast!

I can honestly say that I have seriously noticed that my body is deflating! It is a great feeling and the perfect primer for my next adventure. I will be starting the Body RX again, and I am totally excited. I have been researching some new recipes to prepare in hopes that it will get me that much closer to my fitness goals for the year!! I am not sure if I am going to keep a journal of all the food I am eating, but I think that it may be a good idea and help me keep track of what I am doing and what I should change if my weight starts to become an issue. I HIGHLY recommend the book THE BODY RX to those who have had trouble in the past sticking to a diet, as this diet is a lot easier to follow! No more counting calories… and the author says if you are not eating a lot… you are not doing the diet properly. Feeling hungry becomes such a thing of the past! Incorporate that with an EASY workout routing to follow and it is a 1, 2, Punch to getting in shape.

As far as the workout it concerned I am going to not only incorporate the workout program from the Body RX, but I am going to add a couple of extra workouts in there as well! For those of you that do not know, I attempted P90X last year, but did not like it that much because I felt as though all the muscle mass I was putting on was leaving. If you want a really slender athletic tone, that workout is for you! I like my muscle size and do not want to sacrifice all the hard work I have put in over the years. I did love Ab Ripper X and Yoga X and think that I am going to try and incorporate them in my new regimen. We will see how that all works out. I also used to be a cardio fanatic but took time off from doing it because The Body Rx said that I did not need to do it. I am going to try to implement it again and hope that will not only accelerate by fat loss, but also allow me to make my weight gains minimal! I know that I am going to gain weight due to building muscle mass… but that is all that I want to gain… MUSCLE MASS!

Keep your fingers crossed and I will check in next week with my Weigh-In info from the Master Cleanse! Take Care and best of luck to you all!


Saturday, January 10, 2009

A NEW YEAR… A NEW ME!!! 01.11.09

(kinda long entry... but well needed)

For a while now many of my friends told me that they like reading my blog and that I needed to update it. The reason for the long pause was because I really was not sure what my next mission was. Last year I began The Body Rx which went rather well. It is mainly a muscle building work out... which by gaining muscle and eating right your metabolism speeds up and not only do you gain muscle, but you cut up! I completed about 8 weeks of this program because I was eager to do P90X. Now I will say that P90X is not for everyone and after trying it I can tell you that it was not for me at all. It definitely is a good program, I just have different goals set for myself. Weight is not really a big issue for me as is body composition. I could careless if I was 200 pounds solid... as long as I was solid. It is the jiggling of my body that REALLY GETS TO ME! Well it is the New Year and it is time for me to make some major changes.

Let me start off with saying that I promised myself when I hit 28 years old that I will be in the best shape of my life by the time I turn 30. Well I hate to report it, but that year has come and on October 22 I will hit the BIG 30!! So now is the time for me to really make my metamorphosis. All of last year was time for me to work on having somewhat of a positive attitude and now that I have achieved that I can say that I am mentally ready to begin my biggest journey to date.

On January 5, 2009 I began doing the Master Cleanse Detox. I am not sure how many of you have tried this, but it is amazing what comes out of your body when you are not even eaten solids. I am writing this entry on Day 6 of my 20 day journey and things are going rather well. The reason that I am doing this cleanse is because it is kind of like hitting the reset button on your body. While you are on the cleanse, you really begin to understand your relationship with food and how you can change it. When you are done with the cleanse you body craves healthy food like fruits, vegetables, and things of that nature. It is a crazy side effect but one you learn to appreciate. There are 2 positive side effects of doing this cleanse. One is that you lose a significant amount of weight. The first time I did the cleanse for 14 days I lost 18lbs in that period. Now I am sure that some of it was water weight as well as muscle mass, but I intend to rebuild my muscle mass once the cleanse is over. Second you save a lot of money. You realize how much money you are spending on food ordering out and eating out! I can tell you that I am going to be able to pay off one of my credit cards this month because I am saving money doing this cleanse because I am not going out partying, not drinking alcohol, and not eating food. The only thing that I need to spend money on is the ingredients I need to make my daily lemonade. I know some of you may be thinking how is it that one person can go so long without eating and I have 2 responses for that question: 1) It is not as hard as you think because my mixture is the equivalent of 8 cups which has approx. 800 calories.. so think of it is as calorie restriction and 2) because I have a goal set. It is nothing more than a mental battle to be honest.. and one that I am ready to WIN!

After my detox is complete I am going to transition back to food for a week with nothing but soups and salads. The week following I am going to try to complete the Body Rx this time around. It is a six month program and I intend on doing all 6 months this time. I am going to try and follow the program to a T. I told myself I am going to stay aware from all forms of alcohol and become an Occasional drinker. No more getting drunk… just a nice tipsy feeling if I go to a party or out to the clubs. I am definitely going to try my best and refrain from alcohol for a good long while.

What is great about this time around is that I realize what my problem was! My buddy Anthony.. (whose blog is in the upper left column.. “MakinitXlike”) quoted Tony Horton saying that what we do is enter into a loop of sorts. We know our downfalls and we continue to let these things deter us from staying healthy. All we need is a catalyst (small excuse) for blame and that is the reason we regain the weight or fail at our life changes! One of my co-workers told me that his father who is an alcoholic (Sober for more than 20 years) said that all it takes is that one drink to lead him back down that path. I am guilty of losing all the weight and thinking.. well I am now I am thin so now I can eat whatever I want. If I want to stay healthy and fit.. I need to really cut those foods out of my life for a long while! Until I have my weight under control and know that If I do have a slice of pizza or attend a bbq that it is only because of the occasion and not something that is habit forming. I am going to have to steer clear of these things for a while until I really understand my body and the way it works. I AM DONE FAILING!

Anthony I see your challenge and I completely understand why you have set your goals in STONE. I too.. have some goals for 2009. And here they are:

1) To be in the weight range of 175-185 SOLID
2) Become an Occassional Drinker
3) Get RID of my Credit Card debt

All of these things are definitely achievable and the only person that can get in my way is ME. I can not let that happen. If I have the will power to stop eating for 20 days, then I definitely have the strength it takes to make these minimal changes. I will keep you updated as much as I possible can. At the present time I have clips of my progress on the Master Cleanse located on YouTube under MisterJonkat. Check it out if you like. You can literally watch the lbs melt away!

I wish you all the best in whatever ventures you are going to be taking in the New Year! It is time to make a change you guys! Don’t Miss out on the opportunity!
