Monday, September 22, 2008

My newest X Update!

Hello All,

Since I told you I have moved to summarizing my weeks, here goes the latest.

Day 11 (9/12/08): Shoulders, Arms & Ab Ripper X

As usual, I did not enjoy the workout at all. I have decided that this workout is by far the worst of them all. I just do not like the workouts for the bicep muscles at all. Maybe I should increase the weight, but I feel like all the time it takes to pause and increase the weight is such a hassle! To no surprise I finished the workout and completed Ab Ripper X. It seems as thought it is getting better with each time I do it. I am really looking forward to the day I get through it in its entirety.

Day 12 (9/13/08): Yoga X

I am really beginning to enjoy this workout out. After starting P90X, I quickly realized how flexible I am NOT! Simple things like stretching to the side KILLS ME! So since I kinda like the pain, I slowly push myself past the pain in order to get some really good stretches. The Yoga blocks help, but I am slowly pushing the stretches so the use of the blocks is almost obsolete. I definitely look forward to these days now. This workout is no longer a beast to me. BTW.. I still can not master the crane.

Day 13 (9/14/08) & Day 14 (9/15/08): Rest and Relaxation

So I am not sure what is going on with my resting for two days, but I think that it is the way my body is programmed. In the past when I worked out I would always take 2 rest days before continuing my regiment. I honestly tell myself that I am going to workout, but I am always too exhausted to bring myself to complete them. After the 2 days, I feel totally relaxed and able to do the workouts!

Day 15 (9/16/08): Legs, Back & Ab Ripper X

I enjoy this workout, so this day was not that bad. The wall squats are not my favorite, but they are tolerable. The workout seems to go by fast for me and that is what matters the most to me. The faster they go by the better I like the workout..LOL! A friend of mine started P90X this week and has been rocking it out! He has been eating healthy and really enjoying the workouts! He is keeping the pressure on me.. so I will have to bring it REGARDLESS of how I feel! (on this day I felt as though I was beginning to strain a muscle on the inside of my left arm. It felt like the pull-ups were beginning to take their toll on my arms!)

Day 16 (Kenpo X)

This workout always goes over well. My left arm continued to bother me throughout the workout so I decided that I would take a few extra days off while I let my arm rest. I think that my arms were not used to supporting all my weight during the pull-ups, but whatever it was... it was painful.

Days 17, 18, 19, and 20: Were spent resting!!! I did not mean to take this much time off, but I honestly felt like I needed it. Once I finish week four I am going to post results as promised. I am not going to pay attention to the number of days, because my buddy "Prophet" informed me that whether it be day 90 or day 97, the results should be great either way. I need to look at this as more of a lifestyle than 90 days and that is the attitude I am trying to get used to. Tonight when I get home from work I am going to be doing day 21 which for me will be Chest and Back & Ab Ripper X.

Sorry for the delay guys! Be sure that I am back on the wagon!

Be Well & Stay Fit!



Anonymous said...

Just a little note here. You may want to be careful about what you do on your days "off." I think if you are going to take more than 2 days to rest, you should do like half the yoga workout every day or something because when you jump back into your regular workouts after 5 or 6 days of not working out at all.. you're gonna feel it.

Don't ask me how I know, just know that I know... =]

Anonymous said...

Hey, I finished my first round of P90X!

Check it:

Anonymous said...


I came across your blog via Prophet's blog. How are you holding up? I am also on P90X and just over the hump (45th day). Did you take a longer rest period than planned?

Looking forward to your next post.

I am also a blogger. If you want to check out my blog, it's at It will be nice to exchange some comments back and forth so we can keep the ball of motivation going.

Tai Chi Monkey Girl