Friday, August 1, 2008


Hello All,

So I have great news to report. I have been on The Body RX plan for 5 weeks now and I am really starting to notice the fruits of my labor. As I mentioned before the first phase of the program is called the strength phase. I DEFINITELY notice the strength I am gaining. I only have one more week of this phase before starting the sculpting phase! Last night when I was at the gym I noticed that the weight was actually getting easier. So I decided that on the last set of each exercise I was going to attempt to increase the weight. I was able to lift it with minimal effort. I WAS SHOCKED!!!!

Also recently I have added pull ups to my workout routine so I am prepared for P90X whenever I start the program. Depending on the body part I am working out, I will either do pull ups with my palms facing me w/close grip (to work biceps) -OR- palms facing away from me w/wide grip (to work back and shoulders). I am happy to report that I can do 3 sets of 10 with the wide grips and 3 sets of 12 with the close grip! So I am definitely making some HUGE improvements.

As for my appearance. Week 5 has given me the gift of noticing that my stomach is flatter. I have not stepped on the scale yet, so I am not sure about my weightloss, but I can definitely see the difference. Not only can I see the difference, I can also feel it. I am not sure if you will know what I am talking about, but before this program my muscles felt kind of soft and "airy" but now feel a lot more firm. I am not sure if it is the fact that I am eating a lot more protein, working out according to the Body RX, or a combination of both. I am not sure what the reason is, I am just glad that it is all working.

So that is my update for now. I am still waiting for my P90X to get here so I can check out the nutrition plan and see how it differs from The Body RX. I hope it is similar, because eating this way seems to be really easy for me.

Until next time...



Anonymous said...

Thanks for all your advice and feedback on nutrition. I am definitely feeling challenged by the P90X workouts, but I am curious to try the nutrition plan from Body RX that you mention. Thanks for sharing this!

Mr. JK said...

Anything I can do to help my friend!
