Saturday, March 28, 2009

A Needed Update!.. 3.28.09

Hello All,

So it has been a while since my last confession, so I thought that I would come in here and type some sort of an update.

I will say that things are going really well. You know when you start any type of workout program the primary minimal changes are the ones that we do not see. I have to say that is the period that I am in right now. I am beginning to notice the changes in my body because other people are complimenting me and recognizing my results. I must say that were subtle for the most part, but now I can really see them. My stomach is noticeably flatter, my arms are getting bigger, my waist smaller, and my chest bigger!

Every time I begin a workout I have this image in my mind from when I was 22 years old living in Spain. I was in such great shape that I strive to look like that all the time. I have come to realize that I can not achieve that look because my body has changed significantly from then. When I worked out then.. I was really lean and it was great. Now that I am older I find that every time I lift I can not achieve anything but a bigger muscular frame. I decided that I need to change the goal image to something that my body is capable of achieving now.. so I have decided to just continue on this path and see where it takes me. I have never really allowed my body to go ahead and take a new form, I would always get discouraged and then fall off the wagon. Well not this time. In order for me to change my goal image... I have to get in the best shape of my life NOW so I have something to reference if I ever gain weight again. (GOD WILLING... THAT WILL NOT HAPPEN) But I am a person that realizes life happens! So you got to do what you got to do!

As far as specifics are concerned I have not touched the scale in a while! I KNOW that I have gained weight because my muscle mass had increased... but I am not sure what that translates to on a scale! And to be honest I am not really interested in knowing what the scales says! I am just going to allow my reflection to be the judge of how things are going for me! That is all I have for you guys now.. thanks for checking in and I will be back in a few weeks with another update!


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