Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Hello Everyone,

Waking up at 4:40am this morning is absolutely sucking all the life out of me today (not to mention the gym did not help) So I will attempt a much longer entry tomorrow.

I also had dinner with a few friends and a visitor from out of town which led my eating habits to the place of no return, but I am all better now. I am about to head to bed and will just bounce back tomorrow.

Until next time...


Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Hello Hello,

So today was a good day. I got a lot done because I did not have to go into work. NO COMPLAINTS THERE. So today I took care of a couple of bills and ran some errands.

I did not mention this yesterday, but I am not only eating according to Body RX, but I am also working out according to the book as well. The workout is interesting as it is broken down into 4 different phases: Strength, Sculpt, Burn, and Maintenance. I am currently in the strength phase which is broken down into: 2 warm up sets (which are pretty easy) followed by 3 sets of 6 at a much heavier weight. At first glance it seemed really easy but the first couple of days my muscles were KILLING ME! But as I am close to ending this phase and heading into sculpting, I am actually looking forward to the transition. With each of the different phases the weight decreases slightly but the reps increase. ALSO another big thing about this program is there is no need for CARDIO. I KNOW REREAD THAT LAST SENTENCE IF YOU NEED TO! I have lost 6lbs in the last 3-4 weeks and I have not stepped foot on the treadmill or elliptical trainer. GO ME! I know that I have definitely not lost any muscle mass either which made me feel pretty good. I took my body fat composition the other day and it had me at 11.3% which is not bad for someone weighing in at 190 lbs. It is just the little stubborn fat that I can not seem to get rid of and that is why I am going to attempt to eat according to Body RX while doing the P90X workout program. (FYI... I am definitely going to check out the difference in nutrition plan when P90x arrives, but until then I am going to do the plan as I just mentioned)

Another thing that I did today was uploaded a video on Youtube mentioning my intentions with the Blog and my weightloss. If you want to check it out you can search my username: MisterJonKat. I think having two arenas to express myself will keep me motivated and allow others doing the program or considering the program, to receive some support.

I have actually talked a couple of my other friends into doing some of the other programs that Beachbody has to offer, because I have seen some amazing results those programs have helped others achieve. I am kind of coaching them, because health and fitness is one thing that I am really passionate about and if I can share that with people that I love, as well as, you guys/gals out there I say why the hell not!?

Until next time...


My first Blog Entry

Hello All,

I just wanted to thank you all for coming to my blog and checking me out. SO you know who you are reading about, I thought I would give you a little background of who I am.

Mr.Jonkat is the name (but some call me Mr. JK, JK, or JonKat so whichever you choose is cool with me) and I am from Boston, MA. I was born here about 28 yrs ago (29 this Oct.) and have left the city a few times but consider this place home. I have left for various reasons and always in search of something better and I never find it. So I told myself as long as I get away on short vacations from time to time, I could see myself living in this city for a while. I went to college here in Boston and have obtained 2 degrees. I have a Bachelor's in Criminology & Law with a minor in Spanish, as well as, my Master's in Political Science. I had a career path in mind while I was in school but like most people who are graduating these days you almost never end up where you think you will. I can say that I am happy where I ended up and that is all that matters.

The reason for this BLOG: I have found that I am more focused when I put myself out there. I am not sure if it is that I feel better getting things off my chest (no matter what the forum may be) or that I feel a sense of accountability when people who read my blogs are expecting results. ACCOUNTABILITY is huge with me and as I age it becomes more and more fascinating. I feel that with age we reach new stages in our lives that allow us to reflect on not only our immediate past but ALSO many years ago.

What to expect from this BLOG: I always have short (as well as long term) goals that I am setting for myself. I like to challenge myself and see what my breaking point is. Call it masochistic if you will, but I say it is nothing more than goal setting. I named by blog Eternal Evolution because I am aware that one can always be better than he or she is. I am not saying that perfection is a goal I am expecting or even considering, but I will say that becoming a better person is definitely a huge priority of mine.

Lastly... I will begin my blog entries focused on my health. I have been working out for over the past 9 years and have actually become obsessed with it. One of my mottos is: "Obsession is the Catalyst for Change". Believe me it is a healthy obsession nothing to be concerned about. I do splurge and have junk food here and there, but I want to live a life where I am making healthly decisions on a regular basis. I am going to embark on the P90X workout routine and would love to hear from anyone that could be of assistance. I believe that I will start it within a months time as I am going to complete the program with a friend of mine. I am going to go all out and post pics and continue to blog. I am also going to do Youtube entries every 2 weeks to show videos of my transformation so stayed tuned!

Any feedback will be greatly appreciated! I wish you all the best and thank you for stopping by!